


刘丰,现担任中兴通讯智慧城市产品线总经理,政企事业部行业解决方案部副部长,负责中兴通讯智慧城市产品、方案、服务和运营的整体经营工作。受聘担任沈阳市智慧城市专家委员会专家,参与北京、上海、武汉、宁波、南京、银川、洛阳等城市的智慧城市规划设计、建设实施、投融资和运营服务工作。 2000年毕业于中国科学技术大学少年班,获得电子信息工程专业的工学学士学位,2003年毕业于工信部电信科学技术研究院,获得通信与信息系统专业的工学硕士学位。 12年通信行业从业经验,7年国际电信行业市场经验,6年市场管理经验,4年政府和企业信息化市场经营经验,先后负责中兴通讯有线接入网产品测试、欧美和亚太等全球战略市场拓展、政企市场亚太区和中国区的综合方案市场经营、智慧城市的市场拓展和产品线经营。 代表中兴通讯作为官方发言人多次参加国际性论坛、展会和新闻发布会。2015年出席印尼万隆会议亚非智慧城市论坛,代表公司做智慧城市英文主题演讲和商业模式发言,2014年出席深圳高交会代表公司参加智慧城市论坛高峰对话,2014年出席第三届中国智慧城市年会代表公司做主题演讲。代表公司参加欧洲宽带论坛BBWFE2010、新加坡展CommunicAsia2011、亚洲宽带论坛BBWFA2011、吉隆坡2011年下一代家庭网络产品新闻发布会并做英文主题演讲。 Mr. Liu Feng is currently the general manager of Smart City product line, vice director of government & enterprise solution department and vice president of ZTE Smart City college in ZTE Corporation. He is responsible for ZTE Smart City business strategy and product development since he assumed the position in 2012. He has led several Smart City projects in Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Ningbo, Luoyang, Yinchuan, etc. Under his leadership, ZTE has become the leading Smart City product, solution and service provider. Mr. Liu Feng brings more than 12 years of management and ICT industry experiences to his role. Prior to his current position, he was the marketing director in ZTE’s fixed network product line. He represented ZTE in many industry meetings, conferences, exhibition and trade shows, such as Broadband World Forum Europe in Paris, CommunicAsia in Singapore and Broadband World Forum Asia in Hongkong. From 2007 to 2009, he was the marketing manager in ZTE’s fixed network product line, in charge of USA and Europe market. From 2004 to 2007, he served as a system verification engineer and manager in fixed network product line. Mr. Liu Feng joined Gifted Young School in University of Science and Technology of China at 15 years old and graduated with a bachelor’s degree of Electronic and Information Engineering in 2000. He graduated from China Academy of Telecommunications Technology of MIIT in 2003 with a master’s degree of Telecommunications and Information System.